Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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; Scheme demo code for new archi routines - Al Slater 9/6/94->
; Note - if you come up with any really nice routines - I'll include em
; with credits ...
; Utility functions
(define Xscreen 1280) ;; physical size
(define Yscreen 1024) ;; ditto
(define Left -10)
(define Right 10)
(define Top 10)
(define Bottom -10)
(define i->e inexact->exact) ;; saves typing.
; Set-universal-point => given two floating point values plot them.
(define (sup xw yw)
(i->e (round (/ (* (- xw Left) Xscreen) (- Right Left))))
(i->e (round (/ (* (- yw Bottom) Yscreen) (- Top Bottom))))
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; martin maps - run by (martin-map) - hit escape when you are bored.
;; note it'll run out of memory eventually if you leave it long enough,
;; but by that time you'll have seen more than enough.
(define a 3.1) ;; something around Pi works ok..
(define (martin-iter x y)
(let ((newx (- y (sin x)))(newy (- a x)))
(sup newx newy)
`(,newx ,newy)))) ;;; note use of backquote...
; Prize for doing this more tidily - overwriting your own arguments is
; absolutely bletcherous...(as well as being the most dire example of how not
; to do functional programming)
(define (mm x y)
(define res (martin-iter x y))
(set! x (car res))
(set! y (cadr res))
(mm x y)
(define (martin-map)
(mode 12)
(gcol 0 1)
; ALWAYS define these four somewhere in your gfx routines if using
; set-universal-point (and use set! NOT define..) confused yet?
(set! Left -10)
(set! Right 10)
(set! Top 10)
(set! Bottom -10)
(mm 0 0)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; A curve or two
(define pi 3.14159)
; degrees -> radians
(define (d->r a)(* a (/ pi 180)))
(define (iterate f from to expr)
(if (> from to)
(expr f from to)
(iterate f (+ from 1) to expr))))
(define (p-f f x y)
(let ((fx (f (d->r x))))
(sup x fx)))
(define (f-curve f)
(mode 12)
(iterate f Left Right p-f)
(define (trig-curve f)
(set! Left 0)
(set! Right 720)
(set! Top 2)
(set! Bottom -2)
(f-curve f)
(define (sin-curve)(trig-curve sin))
(define (cos-curve)(trig-curve cos))
(define (tan-curve)
(set! Left 0)
(set! Right 360)
(set! Top 10)
(set! Bottom -10)
(f-curve tan)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Henon attractor
; try (henon) and hit escape when you've seen enough.
(define h_a 1.4)
(define h_b 0.3)
(define (h_s i) (i->e (+ 400 (* 300 i))))
(define (henon-attractor x y)
(point (h_s y)(h_s x)) ;; i prefer it this way around...
(define xn x)
(define newx (+ (- y (+ (* h_a x x))) 1))
(define newy (* h_b xn))
(henon-attractor newx newy)))
(define (henon)
(mode 12)
(gcol 0 1)
(henon-attractor 0 0)))
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Ikeda attractor (from Pickover)
; Horrendously space inefficient no doubt....
(define ia_c1 0.4)
(define ia_c2 0.9)
(define ia_c3 6.0)
(define ia_rho 1.0)
(define ia_scale 200)
(define ia_xoff 600)
(define ia_yoff 500)
(define (ikeda-iter i x y)
(if (> i 3000)
(define temp (/ (- ia_c1 ia_c3) (+ 1 (* x x) (* y y))))
(define sin_temp (sin temp))
(define cos_temp (cos temp))
(define xt (+ ia_rho (* ia_c2 (- (* x cos_temp) (* y sin_temp)))))
(define newy (* ia_c2 (+ (* x sin_temp)(* y cos_temp))))
(define newx xt)
(point (i->e (+ (* x ia_scale) ia_xoff))
(i->e (+ (* y ia_scale) ia_yoff)))
(ikeda-iter (+ i 1) newx newy))))
(define (ikeda)
(mode 12)
(ikeda-iter 1 0.1 0.1)))
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Miscellaneous FP related definitions - see suggested things to try with
; definitions.
;; like a 'for' loop
; try with
; (define (f n w)(+ 1 w))
; (itn 1 10 0 f)
; function 'f' is always defined in terms of 'n' and 'w' generally..
(define (itn n b w f)
(if (> n b)
(itn (+ n 1) b (f n w) f)
;; itl (like foldl in miranda / itl in KRC)
(define (itl l w f)
(if (null? l)
(itl (cdr l) (f (car l) w) f)
;; lit (like foldr in miranda / lit in KRC (this isn't strictly correct but
;; it'll do.)
(define (lit f w l)
(if (null? l)
(f (car l) (lit f w (cdr l)))
; things to try with itl and lit :
; (itl '(1 2 3 4) '() cons)
; (lit cons '() '(1 2 3 4))
; stuff thats nice to have defined..
(define (go)
(mode 12)
(graphics-origin! 640 512)
(display "Loaded Arc demos")(newline)